Donations can be made to political candidates in various amounts. The FEC regulates these donations, and individual groups, excluding PACs, must disclose donations over $250 per year.
The following table lists all contributions donated to Bryan Berghoef's campaign in October.
Date | Amount | Contributor |
2020-10-01 | $350 | Henry Wellman |
2020-10-01 | $1,000 | Margaret Mais Padnos |
2020-10-01 | $32 | Alan Headbloom |
2020-10-02 | $27 | John E. Adams |
2020-10-04 | $20 | David A. Johnson |
2020-10-04 | $50 | Cristeen Laura Reed |
2020-10-04 | $10 | Harold Edward Nelson |
2020-10-04 | $50 | Cristine Holstrom |
2020-10-04 | $75 | Harry Dorman |
2020-10-04 | $50 | Daniel Smith |
2020-10-04 | $100 | Dave Kampfschulte |
2020-10-04 | $20 | Steven Davis |
2020-10-04 | $40 | Stephen Bruining |
2020-10-04 | $100 | Steve Dillon |
2020-10-04 | $10 | Mary De Ridder |
2020-10-04 | $100 | Andy Deboer |
2020-10-04 | $50 | Jill Zuber |
2020-10-04 | $50 | Randolph C. Paschke |
2020-10-04 | $100 | Leslie Newman |
2020-10-04 | $20 | Chris Kostamo |
2020-10-04 | $90 | Valerie Nichols |
2020-10-04 | $40 | Karen Ambs |
2020-10-04 | $25 | Rebecca Kuipers |
2020-10-04 | $25 | Elizabeth A. Pitzer |
2020-10-04 | $50 | Anthony William Driza |
2020-10-04 | $20 | Thomas Williams |
2020-10-04 | $25 | Dayna Jean Rowekamp |
2020-10-05 | $17 | Tracy Anne Dobson |
2020-10-05 | $24 | Karen Obits |
2020-10-05 | $55 | Michael Knell Daley |
2020-10-06 | $250 | Howard Melvin Leroux |
2020-10-06 | $71 | Anthony William Driza |
2020-10-06 | $50 | Nancy Jo Honor |
2020-10-06 | $18 | Gretel Miller |
2020-10-06 | $38 | Diana Lynn Rohrer |
2020-10-06 | $100 | Franklin Kraai |
2020-10-07 | $50 | Ruby Kickert |
2020-10-11 | $10 | Ruth Evenhouse |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Janet Pollard |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Daniel Mullet |
2020-10-11 | $10 | Sally Wagoner |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Phil Meyer |
2020-10-11 | $20 | Angela Prescott |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Robert Vanderlaan |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Ian Kelly Davis |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Justin Reimink |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Janet R. Cook |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Alice Gambel |
2020-10-11 | $10 | Harold Edward Nelson |
2020-10-11 | $20 | Jane Dickie |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Tom Hammond |
2020-10-11 | $250 | Elizabeth Elaine Rhein |
2020-10-11 | $1,000 | Daniel West |
2020-10-11 | $15 | Justo Gonzalez II |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Sally C. Kane |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Kathleen Hansen |
2020-10-11 | $200 | Jeff Misze |
2020-10-11 | $500 | Tyler Whitmer |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Jay Irvin Kilpatrick |
2020-10-11 | $10 | James Los |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Alanna Barron |
2020-10-11 | $15 | Stuart Hartger |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Gladys Jean Mitchell |
2020-10-11 | $75 | Raymond Allen |
2020-10-11 | $10 | Nancy Vermerris |
2020-10-11 | $5 | Claudia Ellmann |
2020-10-11 | $100 | John Tomczak |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Sheila Klemm |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Joanne Lound |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Christina Heyboer |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Kay Hubbard |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Jan Dirkse |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Stephanie Misciasci |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Marcelle Ruth Marcelletti |
2020-10-11 | $25 | David Beattie |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Alan John Heystek |
2020-10-11 | $20 | Sarah Jacobs |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Rebecca Bierma |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Joseph Pietrowski |
2020-10-11 | $20 | Greg Richardson |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Dwight W. Hillstrom |
2020-10-11 | $20 | Robin Michelle Aslakson |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Thomas Bos |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Mohei Elmasri |
2020-10-11 | $10 | Susan Robinson |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Mary A. Johnson |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Thomas Arthur Peterson |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Martha Janssen |
2020-10-11 | $60 | Ronald Dirkse |
2020-10-11 | $20 | Rebecca Kuipers |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Loretta Lucek Jones |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Deb Ralya |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Gloria Anne Switzer |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Jean Hoffman |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Elizabeth A. Pitzer |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Ronald Mulder |
2020-10-11 | $10 | Laurie Edelmayer |
2020-10-11 | $50 | Mauricio Jimenez |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Louis Wagenveld |
2020-10-11 | $25 | Gregory Deines |
2020-10-11 | $100 | Roberto Medellin |
2020-10-11 | $20 | Lupe Ramos-Montigny |
2020-10-12 | $10 | Marilyn Norman |
2020-10-12 | $38 | Karen Obits |
2020-10-12 | $20 | Nancy Jo Honor |
2020-10-12 | $20 | Thomas Bos |
2020-10-12 | $100 | Peter Theune |
2020-10-12 | $69 | Rhonda Edgington |
2020-10-13 | $100 | Ellen Leik |
2020-10-13 | $100 | Kenneth Wayne Rooy |
2020-10-14 | $200 | Susan Lynn Van Winkle |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Cheryl Croft |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Matthew Dejongh |
2020-10-14 | $50 | James S. Rudicil |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Owen Donahoe |
2020-10-14 | $10 | Marty Siemon |
2020-10-14 | $10 | Karen Dault |
2020-10-14 | $250 | Greg Cook |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Cynthia J. Terlouw |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Daryl Fischer |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Marcia Sue Walter |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Brad Boyink |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Estelle Derwin |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Jeffrey Scott Rueble |
2020-10-14 | $250 | Kendall Risselada |
2020-10-14 | $100 | David Thornsen |
2020-10-14 | $10 | Jane Elise Vandermeer |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Terri Watson |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Pamela Levin |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Mark Brower |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Barbara Scholten |
2020-10-14 | $50 | James Squier |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Mary Jo Robbins |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Janet R. Cook |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Keely Vantil |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Janet Schultz |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Jane Ann Longstreet |
2020-10-14 | $100 | David Schon |
2020-10-14 | $300 | Nancy L. Stier |
2020-10-14 | $30 | Valerie Nichols |
2020-10-14 | $20 | Sally Wagoner |
2020-10-14 | $100 | David J. Habetler |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Stanley Verheul |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Mary K. Schumaker |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Jan Lee Burch |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Jeanna Paluzzi |
2020-10-14 | $10 | Emily Style |
2020-10-14 | $25 | John Norden |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Sarah Riley Howard |
2020-10-14 | $250 | Dan Mikesell |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Carol Bassett |
2020-10-14 | $5 | Karen Obits |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Peter Wilson |
2020-10-14 | $250 | Jacob Mitchell |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Kathryn J. Tobias |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Raymond Allen |
2020-10-14 | $10 | Laurie Edelmayer |
2020-10-14 | $250 | Herm Triezenberg |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Margaret Patmos |
2020-10-14 | $20 | Holly Palmer |
2020-10-14 | $15 | Martin Witchger |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Laura Piersma |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Isabel Marie Blake-Evans |
2020-10-14 | $30 | Claudia Ellmann |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Stephanie Misciasci |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Glen Van Andel |
2020-10-14 | $40 | Sandra Jean Kuhnert |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Chris Mcguigan |
2020-10-14 | $250 | Owen Perlman |
2020-10-14 | $10 | Patrick Hooyman |
2020-10-14 | $500 | Peter Hoekman |
2020-10-14 | $25 | James Woods |
2020-10-14 | $15 | Josie James |
2020-10-14 | $10 | Todd Van Grouw |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Marilynn Wickens |
2020-10-14 | $100 | John D. Suk |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Sally Hoekstra |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Lesley Van Leeuwen-Vega |
2020-10-14 | $10 | Chrysteen G. Moelter-Gray |
2020-10-14 | $35 | Nancy Vermerris |
2020-10-14 | $15 | Bethany Erickson |
2020-10-14 | $50 | David Roseman |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Carolyn Sue Murphy |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Leon Jay Van Rees |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Ronald Dirkse |
2020-10-14 | $25 | Kathryn A. Hagerman |
2020-10-14 | $50 | Susanne Cyranoski |
2020-10-14 | $100 | Eric Sybesma |