The oldest of these voters, Alice Halverson, is 122 years old. There are 24 registered voters over the age of 105 in the zip code. According to the American Society on Aging, there are an estimated 80,000 centenarians in the United States.
Statewide, the oldest voter is Evelyn V Schreve at 220 years old. There are 1,587 individuals on Michigan voter rolls who are currently listed as born before the oldest living person in the United States, Hester Ford. Ford was born August 15, 1905, according to the Supercentenarian Research Foundation. This could indicate that the state's voter registration data is outdated or that deceased voters are not being removed from the registry.
Voters over the age of 100 in zip code 49423
Name | Address | Birthdate | Voter ID |
Alice Halverson | 49 E. 32nd St. | 1898-01-01 | 3660637 |
Herbert M Coburn | 340 W. 40th St. | 1905-01-01 | 3085064 |
Louise Tiesenga | 114 E. 26th St. | 1905-01-01 | 3640578 |
Luella Vantkerkhoff | 49 E. 32nd St., Unit 238 | 1905-01-01 | 1895005037 |
Henrietta Brewer | 433 Brecado Court | 1907-01-01 | 3084326 |
Mildred S Miller | 49E E. 32nd Street, Apt. 163 | 1908-01-01 | 1895007750 |
Henry Leonard Fox | 281 Winsted Ave. | 1909-01-01 | 3054384 |
Ruth E Tews | 340 W. 40th St. | 1909-01-01 | 3084838 |
Peter Albert Mass | 637 Maple Creek Drive | 1909-01-01 | 3558913 |
Helene Julia Dewitt | 608 Appletree Court | 1909-01-01 | 3897274 |
Minnie Marian Martin | 145 Columbia Ave., Apt. 572 | 1910-01-01 | 3619143 |
Josephine Kaper Nienhuis | 284 Harvest Lane | 1911-01-01 | 1895002228 |
Mildred Pauline Hagar | 505 W. 30th St. | 1911-01-01 | 3617730 |
Jesusa Espinoza | 73 E. 16th St. | 1911-01-01 | 3083636 |
Emma Baker Holly | 121 S. Waverly Road, No. 316 | 1911-01-01 | 1895003165 |
Rudolph Jl Frundt | 340 W. 40th St. | 1912-01-01 | 3086900 |
Margaret L Collins | 727 Apple Ave. | 1912-01-01 | 1895008616 |
Ronald E Werth | 376 W. 33rd St. | 1913-01-01 | 3052511 |
Elizabeth M Kelley | 6714 Ridge Road | 1913-01-01 | 6787745 |
August Tellinghuisen | 4350 48th St. | 1914-01-01 | 2550009756 |
R G Miesch | 340 W. 40th St. | 1914-01-01 | 7746927 |
Marena Dorothy Myaard | 240 E. 11th St. | 1914-01-01 | 3897289 |
Margaretta Bradbury | 727 Apple Ave., Unit h11 | 1915-01-01 | 1895003119 |
Alice Mae Denbesten | 630 Hastings Ave., Apt. 317 | 1915-01-01 | 103678187 |
Lois M Hutchins | A5904 142nd Ave., No. 50 | 1916-01-01 | 2550006601 |
Lois Irene Davis | 10 E. 33rd St. | 1916-01-01 | 107735428 |
Ann Gertrude Schaddelee | 1652 W. 32nd St. | 1916-01-01 | 6813630 |
Merle Jean Schaap | 145 Columbia Ave., Apt. 472 | 1916-01-01 | 102050237 |
Alice Gertrude Polich | 670 Harrington Ave. | 1916-01-01 | 5884440 |
Yvonne Timmermans | 6305 138th Ave. | 1917-01-01 | 6801995 |
Lenora Veronica Mariuz | 755 E. 16th St., Apt. 610 | 1917-01-01 | 6332275 |
Lansford J Moore | 145 Columbia Ave. Rm 2120 | 1917-01-01 | 1895006590 |
Dorothea Antoinette Meeusen | 49 E. 32nd St. Rm 250 | 1917-01-01 | 4000542009 |
Sylvia Lou Kraai | 830 Brook Village Court | 1917-01-01 | 1895000133 |
John Gebben | 833 Millbridge Ave. | 1918-01-01 | 3086873 |
Betty Vantubergen | 94 Old Mill Drive, No. 7 | 1918-01-01 | 3083400 |
Lorraine Doris Miller | 360 W. 40th St., No. 224 | 1918-01-01 | 1895005179 |
Alice Vivian Vanderplaats | 340 W. 40th St. | 1918-01-01 | 1895012420 |
Esther Margarethe Pedersen | 6410 Hidden Hollow Lane | 1918-01-01 | 4001875371 |
Lucy Dykstra | 1221 E. 16th St. Room 107 | 1918-01-01 | 1895012428 |
Ethel May Zwemer | 630 Hastings Ave., No. 236 | 1918-01-01 | 1895006860 |
Ferne Klaasen | 123 E. 29th St. | 1918-01-01 | 1895009383 |
Anthony Speet | 4020 58th St. | 1919-01-01 | 2550017551 |
Beatrice Louise Mclaughlin | 834 Millbridge Ave. | 1919-01-01 | 3083762 |
Lillian Catherine Conrad | 287 W. 40th St., Apt. e20 | 1919-01-01 | 3664745 |
Joyce Schipper | 94 Old Mill Drive, Apt. 9 | 1919-01-01 | 3053936 |
Grada Johanna Rietema | 1100 Fountain View Circle, Unit 2 | 1919-01-01 | 1895005025 |
Bernice Roseline Roberts | 280 W. 40th St. | 1919-01-01 | 1895005413 |
Gretta Petersen | 340 W. 40th St. | 1919-01-01 | 1895010933 |
Frances M Howells | 3636 Vienna Strauss Road | 1919-01-01 | 6786555 |
Daunie D Taylor | 630 Hastings Ave., Apt. 237 | 1919-01-01 | 1895008871 |
Fae Lillian Overholts | 755 E. 16th St. | 1919-01-01 | 4002780460 |
Helen Louise Wright | 275 W. 11th St. | 1919-01-01 | 3599531 |
Lurline Charity Duskin | 435 Central Ave. | 1919-01-01 | 3083566 |
Winifred Julia Kooiker | 35 E. 29th St. | 1919-01-01 | 3553718 |
Lois Jane Nienhuis | 49 E. 32nd St. | 1919-01-01 | 3561102 |
Jean Ethel Schipper | 49 E. 32nd St., Unit 203 | 1919-01-01 | 1895011297 |
Les Herman Housel | 49 E. 32nd St., Apt. 229 | 1919-01-01 | 107201313 |
Pietje Johanna Doolaard | 3870 56th St. | 1920-01-01 | 7724983 |
Margaret Dannenberg | 4382 140th Ave. | 1920-01-01 | 7795775 |
Julius Kempker | 152 E. 34th St. | 1920-01-01 | 3058192 |
Emma F Butterworth | 95 Old Mill Drive, Unit 6 | 1920-01-01 | 106861261 |
Margarette Lawson Hann | 112 W. 37th St. | 1920-01-01 | 1895012540 |
Marjorie Ione Defeyter | 280 W. 40th St. Room 314 | 1920-01-01 | 1895010884 |
Marian Folkert | 704 Marylane Drive, Unit 200 | 1920-01-01 | 1895010895 |
Lorraine R Woodall | 493 W. 32nd St. | 1920-01-01 | 3656072 |
Kathryn Gertrude Vandis | 257 W. 30th St. | 1920-01-01 | 3594727 |
Jane Katherine Bultema | 1221 E. 16th St. Rm 211 | 1920-01-01 | 34693684 |
Donna Elizabeth Ossewaarde | 727 Apple Ave., Apt. d8 | 1920-01-01 | 4003172553 |
Anna Eleanor Jacobson | 727 Apple Ave. H-9 | 1920-01-01 | 1895009918 |
Edward Lawrence Behringer | 727 Apple Ave., Apt. D | 1920-01-01 | 103488513 |
Gertrude Mae Sybesma | 420 Idaho Red Parkway, No. 305 | 1920-01-01 | 109036004 |
Gordon J Vanwylen | 145 Columbia Ave. Rm, Suite 2 | 1920-01-01 | 1895000064 |
Donald Larose Childs | 145 Columbia Ave., Apt. 154 | 1920-01-01 | 31396779 |
John P Goodridge | 145 Columbia Ave., Suite 1 | 1920-01-01 | 6313326 |
Julia T Parker | 145 Columbia Ave., Suite 2 | 1920-01-01 | 3619298 |
Leon Marvin Scholten | 520 W. 21st St. | 1920-01-01 | 1895012422 |
Hilda Mae Manting | 668 Appletree Drive | 1920-01-01 | 3557842 |
Mildred Fanny Koetje | 49 E. 32nd St., Unit 163 | 1920-01-01 | 1895011294 |
Harold Hulst | 49 E. 32nd St., No. 126 | 1920-01-01 | 1895003265 |
Lawrence Bakker | 49 E. 32nd St., Apt. 247 | 1920-01-01 | 108282572 |
Seymour Kantor Padnos | 1441 S Shore Drive | 1920-01-01 | 5884041 |
Alma Thomas | 1975 S Shore Drive | 1920-01-01 | 5884099 |
Laurian E Baleiko | 1992 S Shore Drive, Apt. 2 | 1920-01-01 | 5940812 |
Eloise Adele White | 831 Brook Village Drive | 1920-01-01 | 4004369953 |
Giorgia Cooley | 573 Jasmine Drive | 1920-01-01 | 1895010900 |